Nearly six months on the streets of St. Petersburg and Moscow is "open air museum". On the facades of the houses on the boulevards and squares of the city residents can see reproductions of the works, at first glance almost identical to the originals. The great names of Russian art, the most important museum of "hits", including "The barge on the Volga carriers" of Ilya Repin and the "Ninth Wave" by Ivan Aivazovsky, "Knight at the Crossroads" by Viktor Vasnetsov and "six-winged Seraphim" Mikhail Vrubel. Street viewer is a favorite long time (and for someone who is so far completely unknown) masterpieces Orest Kiprensky brush, Konstantin Somov, Polenov Vasily, Ivan Shishkin, Sylvester Shchedrin, Mikhail Nesterov, Kuzma Petrov Vodkin, and other artists Boris Kustodiev - Made a total of 100 high quality reproductions of the latest technology in large format printing. This large-scale educational project with the Russian Museum Partners wants a broad interest to the citizens of classical art, which literally wake up "jump" in the target group. The base for a tour of ART project was the idea of "grand tour", which was in the XVII-XX a mandatory part of the end of a classical education and a means to expand educational horizons. In the modern version of "Grand Tour" is reduced to a short distance from reproduction - the original. The authors and the project's organizers hope the outdoor exposure for many citizens to serve as the impetus for the arrival of the Russian Museum and appointments directly with the art they saw in the street. Street museum with paintings with tradition: they are placed in the frame and with an explanation. Information on the plates have a phone number, call to hear more detailed history on the canvas and its creator, download images to your mobile phone. Interactive map of the project, visit the official website. With the map you can find the location of the images on the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg, take a route up and download mp3 files with an audio guide. Here the plates are removed and a phone number at the reception at the Russian Museum. You want to see people who are waiting for their first-hand images in the news interest in the Russian Museum information desks. You can make a plan of the museum, you want all images, reproductions, which are located in the city, and if, to take the audio tour of the museum will take shape. Previous experience working with associates and the world's largest museums with modern technology, to generate interest in the arts, and was the basis for organizing the tour of ART. The most advanced technologies helped in large format printing, reproducing the paintings of great masters of exposure to ART tour. Large-format printer designed to print professional quality work and offer high color accuracy, which is especially important for the press, the masterpieces of the exhibition. With the latest technology in large format printing, you can get an authentic reproduction of the original, almost no visual of them are climate and environmental hazards. Highly skilled team of programmers, who specializes in digital image processing, has developed a technology for obtaining permits exploration of objects, images with information from up to 500 million pixels. Developed on the basis of this technology systems are widely used to create a highly accurate digital cultural values in museums and libraries. This scanning technology is to create no adverse impact on the original and the best way to ensure the availability and high accuracy of digital files - paintings, drawings, manuscripts and icons. It is used to organize, catalog collections, the production of facsimile editions and areas of expertise and assignment of art. The special quality more important - a small exposure to light in the original works in digital processing, which is an important requirement when working with museum pieces.
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