Aquest diumenge sis vem ser els valents que ens varemapropa per fer la pedalada dels rocallons,en generalvem queda molt contents del circuit ple de corriols i de constants pujades,per la meva part content per elpaper que vem fer uns i altres,desde aqui agrai el vostraesforç i dedicasio a fer-ho el millo posible. Tambe vuidona anims al nostra company roger que va tindra queabandonar per trenca el sellen.PD:Gracies a tots i ens veiem a la próxima(MOJA).
mardi 14 février 2012
#CHEAP The Complete Chicken
The Complete Chicken
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The Complete Chicken Overview
Which came first, the chicken or the egg? That’s just about the only question about chickens that isn’t answered in "The Complete Chicken", which pays tribute to the popular poultry. Pam Percy provides a colorful, egg-straordinarily entertaining account of chicken history; breeds; the world of chicken collectibles; and the chicken’s role in art, pop culture, myth, legend, religion, and folklore. The light-hearted yet informative text is complemented by delightful illustrations and photographs. Whether you’ve been a long-time fan of chickens or have recently become fascinated by these captivating creatures, you’ll find something to crow about in "The Complete Chicken."
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